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Named after the late Maria Moipone Moroka (a leading figure among members of the local Mroolong community), the two most prominent features of this reserve are the Montloatse Setlogelo Dam in the southern area and the Thaba 'Nchu Mountain on the northern border. It is an area steeped in history, as Thaba 'Nchu witnessed many a conflict between local people and pioneers in former years.

This scenic reserve is covered by plains of grassland and wooded hills, giving refuge to reintroduced highveld species such as blesbok, red hartebeest, springbok, eland and plains zebra. It is also a haven to no less than 200 bird species, including the rare, endemic blue korhaan, the black korhaan, ostrich and large numbers of blue crane, South Africa's national bird. Exercising patience, one might also be lucky enough to get a really close-up view of clawless otter, yellow and water mongoose and ground squirrel.

For the energetic there are two hiking trails, the Eland Trail (4 - 5 hours) and the Ostrich Hiking Trail (2 hours). Those who stay behind can explore the reserve during guided game drives or try their hand at angling. As is the case with many Free State reserves, trophy hunting packages can be arranged. During their stay hunters can rent the safari camp, Thaba Lodge. Facilities for day visitors include a picnic site and an ablution block.

Except for the hunting lodge, the reserve offers no other accommodation. However, the park is situated only 20km from the town of Thaba 'Nchu and borders Thaba 'Nchu Sun Hotel. The park is open throughout the year. Opening time: sunrise to sunset.

How to get there:
From Bloemfontein take the N8 to Thaba Nchu, then follow the signposts to the Thaba Nchu Sun Hotel.

Contact details:
Postal address:
PO Box 246, Thaba 'Nchu, 9780, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel (International): +27-51871-2466 or 2427
Tel (South Africa): 051871-2466 or 2427